You know words and you think in words. You express yourself in words. Internally you use all of the words that you know but you are not allowed to use certain words to express your thoughts and ideas. If your feelings include words that an imaginary unified consciousness have deemed unacceptable so are your expression of thoughts and ideas. FUCK
You cannot express your thoughts and feelings as accurately as possible because you must conform to these norms and mores that result in a language barrier between your inner dialog and your social voice. If you use any of these forbidden words not only will the intent and meaning of your expression be lost but it is possible that you could be subject to retribution from society enforcing these social constructs. FUCK
If you manage to work within the confines of the restrictions on the words you are allowed to use before expressing your thoughts you are not allowed to invoke strong emotion. If the expression of your thoughts does not use the actual words but invokes the thought of the word in another person it is the same as having used the forbidden word. If you express an idea that inspires another to take action you could be liable for those actions of others. You must express yourself within the confines of how others will perceive and respond to your feelings before expressing them without using the forbidden words. FUCK
After having limited the words that use you use and insured others will not think you mean those words without using them or that your expression of ideas will not evoke powerful emotions or actions in others before you can express yourself after considering how others could possibly perceive your feelings and how it could make them feel but before you can express those feeling you are not allowed to exceed an undefined ever changing degree of socially acceptable confrontationalism or contrarianism. The thoughts you are expressing cannot be perceived as violating poorly defined parameters with spectrums of offense that based upon the perception of others and change given the subject and context of the feelings you would like to express when you would like to express them and where. FUCK
If you are going to try and share your thoughts socially they better not be on the fringe of what is and is not socially acceptable because the degree and severity of how others perceive your expessions is constantly changing. Today the expression of your thoughts and ideas may fall within the socially acceptable side of the spectrum but with time it is possible that the spectrum will shift and what was once acceptable is no longer and since your words are subject to the thoughts and feelings of how others perceive them you could become subject to social retribution in the future for the expression of thoughts and feeling in the past. The closer to a fringe of acceptability you are expressing yourself the more likely your words are to become subject to the ever changing fluctuations in what is and what is not an acceptable way to express yourself. FUCK
You better not fucking lie either or use somebody else’s words to express your feelings. If others have used those same words to express their feelings those combinations of words are no longer available for use. You need to express your thoughts using a different combination of words and structure compared to the expression of thoughts that have been expressed before you consider expressing your thoughts publicly if you want your thoughts to be taken seriously. FUCK